The Public Art Think Tank 


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ixia was established to promote and influence the development and implementation of public art policies, strategies and projects through creating and distributing knowledge to: arts and non-arts policy makers, public and private sector commissioners, curators, artists and the public.

ixia Board: Call for Trustees

The Board of ixia (the public art think tank) is seeking new members at a pivotal time in the organisation’s development.

Over the past 5 years, the Board has undertaken an organisational review and a series of initiatives to define what is needed for ongoing support and in response to evolving challenges in the public art sector.

New and exciting opportunities to take this work forward have foregrounded the need for a refreshed board to bring skills and talent to support this vital work and shape the organisation for the future.

Deadline for applications: 2nd April 2025.

Further Info here

The current board of directors are: Katy Beinart, Tom Freshwater, Suzanne Heath, Cathy Newbery and board associates and advisory members Katie Daley-Yates, and Odette Chalaby.

To be kept informed of ixia’s development please drop us a line and we will add you to the mailing list.

ixia is a charitable company limited by guarantee. Charity no. 1106457.

Our Privacy Statement and Data Policy is available here.