The Board of ixia (the public art think tank) is seeking new members at a pivotal time in the organisation’s development.
Over the past 5 years, the Board has undertaken an organisational review and a series of initiatives to define what is needed for ongoing support and in response to evolving challenges in the public art sector.
New and exciting opportunities to take this work forward have foregrounded the need for a refreshed board to bring skills and talent to support this vital work and shape the organisation for the future.
Deadline for applications: 2nd April 2025.
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ixia’s current context
In 2021, ixia was awarded a development grant by Arts Council England to enable us to work towards a sustainable future for the organisation. This enabled the Board to undertake organisational development activities, which have included:
· an online survey ‘Why Public Art, Why Now?’ (2022-23), enabled us to analyse what those within the sector currently need and understand the barriers to accessing work and opportunities.
· a series of online forums to hear first-hand from diverse independent artists and producers about their experiences working across the public art field.
· Launching a new ixia website as a holding space for current activities and recent resources.
· Commissioning a Digital Audit of the Public Art Online Website to understand the requirements for building a refreshed website.
· Holding a public forum about EDI in the Public Art Sector, jointly with Beam and CVAN, in October 2023 and setting up a networking group for EDI in the public realm.
· Organisational coaching and consultant support to identify next steps for ixia’s funding and future – including the priority for Board expansion and refreshment.
In 2024, ixia was awarded further funding by Arts Council England to develop a Pilot Project to provide support to public art projects with local authority partners in the North of England. As an outcome, ixia held several webinars and produced a series of Public Art Commissioning Recommendations with case studies. Further outcomes to be produced in 2025 will be a public art commissioning road map and contemporary project precedents.
Also in 2024, ixia carried out a horizon scan of the planning policy landscape for public art and supported ixia’s submission to the National Planning Policy Framework consultation.
What are we looking for?
We are looking for 3-4 new trustees with a diversity of lived experience, with either evidenced experience or strong interest in the public art sector, and with relevant skills to offer. Historically, our trustees have included local government arts officers, planning advisors, public art consultants, producers and curators, academics and artists currently working in the public art sector. ixia is a charitable company limited by guarantee, so Trustees will also be company directors. Current board members are listed here
At this current stage, the board membership time commitment will reflect the opportunities ixia is in the process of developing. Online board meetings (usually 1-1.5 hrs) will be up to 1-2 times a month, with additional time needed, varying per role, but up to 1-1.5 days a month. In the case that we have a board meeting in person, this will usually be in London (and hybrid) and costs will be covered where possible. These are voluntary roles.
We want to encourage a breadth of talent to join the board and recognise that time commitments can limit the pool of people who can come forward. ixia is open to considering both full Board Members and Associate Board Members. Associate Board Members with key skill and experience areas are consulted on an as-needed basis, to advise the Board on specific issues. They do not attend regular Board meetings and do not have voting rights on the Board but offer valuable support.
What key skill areas/roles are we looking for?
Fundraising: experience in organisational development, bid-writing, strategic thinking and partnership work. This can be inside or outside the arts sector but ideally with some knowledge or awareness of organisational funding in the arts.
Treasurer and Secretary: No previous experience is needed and initial guidance can be provided. The roles are responsible for the proper management and use of ixia’s records (such as meeting minutes and governance e.g. AGM), as well as keeping track of board member terms and important filing deadlines for ixia’s incorporation and charitable status. Accounting experience would be desirable. These roles are currently combined, though we may choose to separate them.
Artist: experience as an artist working on public art/public realm commissions, working with commissioners, developers, or Local Authorities. This could include permanent, temporary, socially engaged and other forms of public practice.
Public Art Commissioning: a familiarity with the commissioning processes for public art and the organisations, stakeholders and communities around this, and the positive impact that public art can create in society.
How can I apply?
Please send us an email attachment (a Word document or PDF) of no more than 1 page detailing your skills, knowledge, suitability for and interest in the role and indicating your available time. We can also accept a 2-3 minute video recording for your application if preferred.
Please send this to:
By the end of April 2nd 2025.
Interviews will take place online during the w/c April 21st and 28th.
A short history of ixia :
ixia grew out of the Public Art Forum (PAF) with the objective to promote and influence the development and implementation of public art policies, strategies and projects by creating and distributing knowledge to arts and non-arts policy makers and delivery organisations within the public and private sectors, curators, artists and the public.
In addition to advice and support to artists, local authorities and developers, our key lasting achievements embrace:
· the inclusion of public art within earlier National Planning Policy Framework and Planning Policy Guidance;
· Public Art and the Planning System: Advice (Ian Dove QC 2010 & 2014);
· Public Art: A Guide to Evaluation (4 editions 2010 -2014);
· Public Art Survey (five comprehensive surveys of the public art sector from 2011 to 2018);
· the publicartonline website
Since 2000, ixia has managed the website (originally commissioned by Public Art South West). This website is no longer actively updated, and is an important record of UK public art practice from the 1990s and until 2010.
In 2015 ixia lost its NPO funding from Arts Council England as part of the national restructuring of arts provision and ceased to operate as an active organisation whilst retaining a Board and ambition to reinstate, and continuing to monitor the sector via a yearly survey.
In 2019 a new board of directors was appointed and began an organisational review to reflect on ixia’s history, the future of public art and how best to support the public art sector during these challenging times. Alongside the review, a series of initiatives (outlined earlier) have been delivered. Associate Members also support the Board through valuable contributions and act as a sounding board.