The Public Art Think Tank 

ixia – National Public Art Think Tank

Survey 2022

Our 2022 Survey report and forums report are now available here:
Survey Report
Forums Report

A press release announcing the joint release of our research with BEAM’s report ‘Building a More Diverse and Inclusive Public Art Sector is available here:

If you are interested in joining our mailing list to take part in future surveys and other events please drop us a line.

Why Public Art, why now?

Public art encompasses a wide variety of approaches, including large-scale and/or standalone permanent or temporary works; art and architecture; art integrated within the rural or the urban landscape; outdoor arts and events-based activities; and socially engaged practice. As a result of local authority policies and guidance notes, public art is often integrated within new public and private developments and regeneration programmes. As well, public art continues to be commissioned as a significant contribution to commemoration, special events and public-facing celebrations, as well as produced by various organisations.

Without a national organisation with public art as its focus, there is no source of independent expertise to turn to for advice and guidance.This survey will enable us to analyse what those within the sector currently need, but also to reach those who feel there are barriers to accessing work and opportunities. We will use this information to create a strategy for ixia’s work going forward that both supports the existing sector and aims to remove barriers to access and make the sector more equitable, supporting the next generation of artists, curators, and producers.